I'm raising a white German Shepherd Puppy (thanks to WFH) and his name is Milky!
🥰🥰🥰 🐕🐕🐕


I reformed the banking experience to financially empower and reassure my users.
Project Overview
I'm a Sr. UX/UI Designer at Citi Design Team where I solve the most challenging yet impactful day-to-day money-related problems.

By following the Design Thinking process and practicing Lean UX, I created some of the most user-centric digital payment experiences for a number of shipped products. At the macro level, I'm working on defining the problem, ideating design solutions, wireframing & prototyping and iterating based on user research. Additionally, I work closely with PMs on business requirements and researchers on user pain points in a cross-functional team. In my daily life, I'm actively helping to build a strong design culture, share design feedback to my peers and contribute to better design practices.

While I can’t disclose the details of my project due to the NDA, let's chat if you want to learn more!
My Contribution
—    Leads consumer-facing digital product from ideation to production on a multi-functional team
—    Creates prototypes and high-fidelity designs for web and mobile applications
—    Participates in stakeholder reviews for feedback and oversights the QA for design implementation
—    Tests applications for usability, in partnership with user researchers
Role & Timeline
UX Designer
Dec 2020 - present
Sketch, Invision, Jira, Confluence
Team: Project Manager, Product Owners, Dev Team, UX Writer, and UX Researcher